Do you have eye pain? Most of us would think that it is due to over-exertion of eyes, staying up late, reading books and screens in dark light and other reasons that cause dryness, pain, soreness, etc. There are also eye pains that occur suddenly without any obvious triggers. So what are the common eye pains caused by, and do they require us to seek timely medical treatment? The next article mainly depicts common eye problems and the measures to deal with them.


Visual fatigue

Working and studying for a long time can easily lead to fatigue of the nerves and tissues in the eyes, thus causing visual fatigue. During prolonged use of electronic devices, our transient frequency will be reduced and we are more prone to dryness and pain. How to avoid it as much as possible? We need to properly relax our eyes every once in a while, look into the distance, you can also do eye exercises to regulate the muscles or close your eyes and relax your eyes, relaxing your eyes can effectively relieve visual fatigue.


dry eye

With the popularity of air-conditioning, television and electronic products, more and more people are suffering from dry eye syndrome, and those who suffer from the disease are getting younger and younger. When you keep your eyes open for a long time, the lack of moisture on the surface of your eyes will cause soreness, stinging or foreign body sensation, as well as photophobia and tearing. It is more likely to have this symptom in low temperature or windy outdoor. If this symptom occurs, we should supplement more vegetables and fruits, add humidifiers indoors to increase the humidity of the environment, and reduce the time of using electronic devices. If more severe symptoms occur you can use artificial tears to relieve the symptoms appropriately.



Conjunctivitis is an inflammation that occurs when the conjunctiva, the thin structure of the white surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid, is infected or irritated. The causative agent can be bacterial, fungal or viral. It is usually accompanied by redness of the eye, itchy eyes and increased discharge. Bacterial or viral conjunctivitis is contagious. In life, you should wash your hands diligently, avoid rubbing your eyes, wash your face with running water, separate towels and other items from others, and clean and disinfect them frequently.



Glaucoma is a blinding ophthalmic disease that causes pain in the eye due to the impaired circulation and drainage of the aqueous humour in the eye, resulting in increased pressure in the eye. When the pressure in the eye rises sharply, the patient will experience significant swelling and pain in the eye, which may be accompanied by vision loss, headache, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms may vary depending on the individual condition and type. It is important to visit an ophthalmologist immediately to check the eye pressure and the presence of glaucoma-related changes in the eye. Use IOP-lowering eye drops, mannitol infusions, or anterior chamber puncture to bring the pressure down as quickly as possible to avoid permanent damage to the eye caused by high IOP.


For most people, this type of eye pain can be relieved with an eye massage or resting with the eyes closed. But sometimes eye pain doesn't go away on its own, and in some cases it can get worse over time, with symptoms such as blurred vision, which can have a big impact on your daily life.

Eye pain is sometimes not an understatement, and ignoring it can lead to irreversible damage that can be very inconvenient. Love your eyes, take care of your eyes. eyecedar eyewear is a durable, all-round eye protection that will give you the best care for your eyes!